Fire Book Wiki

Evelyn Monarchs is a secondary hero. she is one of the butterfly sisters.

Butterfly anime girl by osakayamatsu-d70u2hv

She is featured in the fanfiction "The Butterfly and the Fox," which focuses on her crush on Asher Graedon.

Evelyn is a bit shy, caring, humble, and loves to be helpful. She is very assiduous as well. She is very touchy, though, and is easily stressed when it comes to work. She also gets easily frightened, resulting in her hating horror movies and jump-scares.

Evelyn's nicknames are Evie (Brie), Eve (Her sisters), And Ev (Asher, Adam). Her best friends are Brie, Thomas, Neox, Leslie, and Nyah. In her friend group, she portrays the childish/shy one.
